California State University-Dominguez Hills issued the following announcement.
When Women Lead & the Transformation of the CSU Presidency
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Description
In July 2018, for the first time in the system's 59-year history, the majority of presidents of the California State University were female. The following year, the Chronicle of Higher Education June 2019 cover story asked “What Happens When Women Run Colleges?” with the subtitle Democratic, inclusive, communal. That may be the future of college leadership. Increasing female leadership at the top of higher education institutions continues to garner scholarly interest as such leadership increases. The recent Special Issue of the Journal of Higher Education Management: Women’s Leadership in Higher Education, which includes research and reflective essays by female senior leaders that underscores the strengths female leaders bring to the table and the challenges still faced by women aspiring to senior levels of leadership in the academy. Our workshop brings together the experience and insights of three of our current female presidents, allowing attendees the opportunity to learn and advance their own leadership trajectories.
Original source here.